Socio-economic effect of Micro Hydropower in Nepal

1.1         Introduction
1.2          2 Statement of the Problems
1.3           1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4           1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5         1.5 Limitatio

1.1 Background of the Study
Nepal located at the top of Himalayas has about six thousands rivers and rivulets
hurling towards India with huge potentiality of hydropower generation. Being a small
country but rich in hydropower resource Nepal boasted its first hydropower plant in a
way back in 1911 considering the geographical situation small and medium size
hydropower project seems more suitable in Nepal. Nepal has great potentiality of
83000mw it is estimated that 42000mw of economically feasible hydropower
potentiality less than2% of this potentiality has been explored. Nepal’s electricity
generation is dominated by hydropower through is the entire centurion of energy use
of a country the electricity is a tiny fraction only few percentage of energy needs is
fulfilled by electricity. So, far, hydropower plants having capacity between 100kw
and 10mw are considered as small hydro’s (NEA 2007). Government of Nepal is
trying hard in fulfilling the ever increasing demand of electricity in the country
particularly in rural area.
In Nepal pharping micro hydro of 500kw was the first hydro plant established way
back in 1911. But after a long interval of 25 to 29 years two other hydro plants
namely sundarijal 900kw (640kw after interchanging of frequently from 50 Hz to 60
Hz) and panauti 2400kw came in to operation the demand of electricity increased
manly on wards from 60s bigger hydro-power increased almost 20 times (Ghemere
The electricity demand in Nepal is increasing by about 10-12% per year. About 44%
of population in Nepal has access to electricity through grad and off grad system in
Nepal’s ten five year plan (2002 to 2007) aims to extend the certifications within
country and export to India for mutual benefit. The hydropower policy 2001 seeks to
promote private sector investment in the sector of hydropower development aims to
expend the electrification with in the country and export ( ).
Micro- hydro technology is electrical energy generation system from water resources
with installed capacity respectively up to 100kw to 3mw of electric power this
technology has been successful to extend and explains rural electricity in rural areas.
It has been found this in Srilanka for instance many micro-hydro plants have been
initially installed primary to improve the quality of life by providing electric light.
And in Peru the key question for many project developers was “how long wills the
plan last crater or how quickly the capital will be back”. Similarly in Nepal after
passing the era testing and assessing the technical to increase access to rural energy
seems for basic lighting facilities (parajuli 2011).
Micro- hydro is an indigenous and source of energy for which the potential exist in
the almost the Hindu –Kush Himalayan Region which includes Afghanistan, Bhutan,
China, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan. Micro- Hydro is generally is define as
decentralized small scale water power plant less than 100kw for the power generation
up to 100kw MHP (Micro Hydro Power) have gained enormous popularity in
developing countries during the last for decades (koirala 2011) micro hydro can
provided electricity services micro hydro generation is a cost effective and law impact
technique for power generation that effects a potential solution for ruler electrification
in Nepal (parish 2002) in the study seems that of 1300064kw micro hydro project
electricity was generated during 1962 to 2005 (AEPC 2005) while the total of
11742kw electricity have generated during 2006 to 2011 (AEPC data book 2011).
Micro hydro is generally defined as decentralized small scale water power plant that
generate electricity power up to 100kw and server nearby householders thoughts a
local grid for power generation up to 100kw micro hydro project have gained
enormous popularity in developing countries last of four decades this included Pico
hydro schemes up to 5kw capacities. The government of Nepal (AEPC 2011) fixed
cut of point of 5kw as the subsidy policy.
Low level of economic development is also reflected in the level of per capital energy
consumption in Nepal. The per capital energy consumption in Nepal is 15GJ. There is
great disparity in the energy consumption attitudes aspiration and life style when
divided energy into three parts by three sources namely traditional, commercial and
renewable, traditional energy occupied 87.8% commercial energy 11.5% and
renewable energy 0.4% of the total energy consumption in MOELGON (2012). In the
present condition of Nepal energy plays vital role of fulfillment of resources. It is the
primary need for all is not a sustainable used connect to diverse process such as
lighting bulbs charging battery is burning fuel and propelling machines.
Studies on gender and micro hydro power have shown that men and women have
different views on the benefits of the plants. For men the biggest advantage in
reduced quality of life and a better education for the children where as the woman saw
the advantage in reduced work load expenditures and an improved health care.
Women in developing countries spend much time on domestic duties that are
necessary for the family to survive often they have to walk long distance to collect
wood and water indoor cooking is done over open fire bad light, which are both
tinning for their eyes time consuming and unhealthy due to all the smoke the more
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Despite of higher technological advancement in the field of energy generation many
developing countries are facing energy problems. The major problems of of energy
are rising price of fossil fuel, depleting forest resources including environment
degradation etc. Nepal is not anexceptioal sountry in this regard. In the Nepalese
context solar, water and wind energy have not been fully exploited. High consumption
of fuel wood is a traditional sources of energy leading to deforestation which have
resulted in to natural disasters such as soul erosion flood, landslides and deforestation
etc. Firewood is the most common and traditional source of energy for Nepal. It
represents about three fourth of total energy consumption which is manly consume in
rural Nepal.
In ruler area people are responsible for 3cs cooking, caring, cleaning. Cooking itself is
being cooking by fuel wood mostly in ruler area it creating indoor pollution intern
women and children can becoming victims. In addition lighting objective is being
fulfilled by kerosene. Kerosene lamp can create pollution.
Rular people especially women have to spend much of their working hours in
collecting fuel woods. Students study hours in affected due to the lack of lighting
facilities houses. They may suffer from the eye inflection ENT inflection etc. Due to
the smoke of fuel wood all those problems arise due to the lack of commercial sources
of energy which wood negative impact of the human capital formation in the area.
Lack of energy supplied in rular areas as a chronic problem. In many developing
countries less than 10% of the ruler population has access to electricity. Rular
electrification through conventional means such as grid connection or diesel
generators is very costly production is available in some countries.
Some research questions right be relevant as follows:
What are the impacts of Nibukhola IV Micro-hydro poroject in income,
information and education in the study area?
What are the sustainable measure implemented in Nibukhola IV Micro-hydro
1.3 Objectives of the Study
General objective of the study is to evaluate the socio-economic impact of Micro-
Hydro Power on women users in Angsarang VDC (Village Development Committee)
of Panchthar district. Besides this, the study has following major objectives.
To study the impact of Nibukhola IV Micro-hydro project in income,
information, and education of the people.
To study the people participation about sustainability of Micro-Hydro Project.
1.4 Significance of the Study
Electricity is basic pillar of economy which helps to enhance stander of living of
people by different angle among which make life style of people easier. There is
establishment of large industries to small industries which as used ruler materials.
This study has been round on the pivot of impact MHP on the socio economic aspect
of the ruler women. Outcomes of this study will help to access the impact of the MHP
on income of the women of the Angsarang VDC of Panchther eastern Nepal                                                            

3.1 Study Area
The government of Nepal has divided nation into 5 development regions, 14 zones, 75
districts, 58 municipalities, 3915 V.D.C for the adequate development of the country.
Angsarang VDC is located in the far-east of panchthar district. The total area of
Angsarang VDC is 24.038 sq km which constitute of total population around 3500.
The site of study in the Angsarang VDC, ward no 5 use Nibukhola 4 MHP.
Nibukhola IV MHP is located on barbate village of Angsarang V.D.C. The total
capacity of the Nibukhola IV MHP is 16 kW which has been distribute to ward no 5
to the total of 165 HHs. Because of small scale of plant, the electricity generation is
very low; most of the households use electricity for lighting and watching TV. Some
households have used for cooking purpose and some others installed small scale
firm/industries. The plant is operating about 19 hours expect 11pm to 4 am in a day.
The project is run by village; the minimum cost of electricity was Rs 100 in beginning
but now it is only 70 per household up to 15 units.
3.2 Research Design
This study is based on explanatory research design. This study was investigating the
socio-economic impact of micro hydro electricity in rural sector. This study finds out
how people are benefitted by project and its impact on people. Beside, the study an
attempt to describe the benefits experienced by households of the project affected
areas after the installation of micro hydro electricity such as economic activities,
income, information, education etc. Thus this study is done descriptive, analytical and
3.3 Source of Data Collection
This study aims to study explicate the utilization of micro hydro electricity and socio
economic impact of Nibukhola IV MHP on the people of that V.D.C. So, this study is
based on qualitative and quantitative from questionnaire though household interview
survey. Some key informant interview took from project introduced people. Thus, the
primary data was collect from user and non user households of the study area.
Similarly the secondary data was collected from different sources such as economic
survey, CBS report and publication of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), publication
of AEPC, feasibility report, journals, internet and document from individuals, experts
and organization related to micro hydro electrify.
3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Procedure
There are 215 households of Angsarang V.D.C ward no 5. The total 165 households
are affected by the project and other 50 households have not affected by the project.
The sample size is taken equally in the micro-hydro user and non-user group. Mainly
42 households are sample. According to the ward wise user and non user household’s
ratio by using simple random sampling to fulfill the purpose of the study. This
research is based on the information collected from the sample households, selected
simple random sampling method.
3.5 Data Processing
A work sheet was prepared through the complete questionnaire incorporating the use
of electricity for the purpose. The collected data classified according to its nature and
characters. To make the analysis more reliable and easier, different data sheets have
been prepared for different variable. Field questioner is carefully checked for possible
errors. The data is carefully edited and processed by computer program state and
excel then the required pie-chart, bar diagram and table is generated by using
computer software program.
3.6 Data Collection Tools and Technique
For this study, data about the effectiveness of the electrification has been collected
through direct personal interview with the help of structured questionnaire among
directly Project Affected Families (PAFs) in the society since the installation of
Nibukhola IV MHP. The structure questionnaire or unstructured interviews and
observation methods was applied to collect the both qualitative and quantities data in
the survey.
3.6.1 Questionnaire Survey
TO generate the accurate data from households survey of micro hydro users,
structured questionnaire was prepared. The respondents were required to fill up
questionnaire. To find out the respondent’s attitude the impact of MHP in different
sector in the village the questions were provided them to fulfill in their own views.
3.6.2 Field visit and Observation
Field visit was conducted by collecting the name lists of each household during
October to November 2013 who was benefited by this micro hydro electricity and
selection was done by simple random sampling method. To hear the people
perception and get the real situation of MHP in village field visit is essential.
3.6.3 Key Information Interview
TO know about MHP and its role in the society, key informant was taken from some
expertise as well as social man in the study site. Key informant interview was
conducted by applying the exploratory method to gather the information about the
project and its impact on the affected area.
3.7 Data Analysis
The data has been tabulated and analyzed according to the objective to study. The
data analysis is descriptive as well as analytical. Data was analyzed with the help of
computer programmer’s strata and excel. Simple statistical tools like Tables; Pie chart
was used for data analysis. Descriptive methods have been used for qualitative data

This chapter presents the analysis of data and presents their interpretation with the
help of table, bar-diagrams and pie charts. Section 4 presents profile of the project and
the household information of the users. Section 4.1 presents the Nibukhola IV MHP
project details and 4.2 presents the household information separately.
4.1 Nibukhola IV MHP Project Information
The study site, Angsarang V.D.C is located in the far-east of Panchthar District. The
total area of Angsarang V.D.C is 24.038 sq km that constitute of total population
around 3500. Angsarang V.D.C, ward no 5 utilize Nibukhola IV MHP. The wards 1,
4, 6are located from this project because of geographical structure and these wards
use another MHP named Nibukhola III. Nibukhola IV MHP is located in Barbote
village of Angsarang V.D.C. The total capacity of the Nibukhola IV MHP is 16 kW,
which has distributed to ward no 5 of 165 HHs. Because of small scale of plant, the
electricity generation is very low; Most of the households use electricity for lighting
and watching TV. Some households have used for coking purpose and some other
installed small-scale industries/firm. The plant is operating about 19 hours expect
11pm to 4am in a day. The project is running by villagers, the minimum cost of
electricity was Rs 100 in beginning but now, it is only Rs 70 per households up to 15
4.1.1 Installation Cost of the Project
The production capacity of this MHP is 16 KW; the total installation cost of this
project is about Rs 23, 11,111.Ruler Electrification Development project (REDP)
provided around 13, 60,000. The initial face only 165 households are participated and
they collected total cash 9,36,000 (Rs 6000 per house) they also contribute labor force
for 65 days which valuation was Rs 230 per day which is in total Rs 950,950. The
consumer of this project now become 165 households and each new consumer of the
village have to pay Rs 15,000 to the management committee of the project.
4.1.2 Maintenance Cost of the Project
To run the any type of constriction for long run, repairing and maintenance is
necessary’s. There is not worth of construction in the absence of sustainability. There
is a need to repair non-living things regularly for run it in well condition. For this
project, the maintenance cost has been beard by public themselves. In this initial
phase of the project, the cost was maintain from households’ per week deposit fund
but now it is maintains from monthly charge which is pained by household for using
4.1.3 People Perception about Improvement of the Village Using MHP
The modern facilities mostly affected all human being using such facilities it is
expected that there most change in living stander of human. Actually living stander
refers to the higher living. Of the total 42 samples, each respondent said MHP played
vital role to improve the living stander of the villagers. Because of light in night, night
life become easy and children reading habits improved significantly. The installation
of rice mill, dairy and NTC tower help to make the life style easier and most of the
people participate in economic activities. By using the electrical instruments
(TV/computer/radio) people learn many thinks and they changed their taking style,
dress up behave to others and care about the sanitation of the village etc.

4.3 Socio-Economic Impact of Nibukhola-IV MHP in the Study Area
This chapter presents the analysis of data and their interpretation with the help of
table, bar-diagram and pie charts. Section 4.3 presents the socio-economic condition
of the project-affected area and sustainability of the project as well as the sustainable
change in the village after the establishment of MHP. Section 4.3.1 presents the socioeconomic
impact of MHP and 4.3.2 presents the sustainability of MHP and impact of
MHP for sustainable change in village.
Socio-economic feature of study areas depicts the development status of that village.
The sociological and economic characteristics such as religion, education,
employment, health and environmental situation have a significant influence in the
economics of the village and living stander of the people. In the survey area, project
affected householdsare165 were only 42 sample household((along one school) were
taken to find out the socio-economic impact of MHP on household, role of MHP for
sustainable change in project affected areas and people attitude and
contribution/willingness to pay for sustainability of MHP.
4.3.1 Socio-Economic Impact of the MHP in Project Affect Area MHP Role in Rural Electrification
Cent percent respondents accepted that MHP plays the vital role to electrification in
the rural area. Before this project, they compelled to live under the kerosene lamp
light. If villagers were waiting to central grid, they may be still in the dark night. They
have to easy access to get central grid due to the scatter settlement and topographical
difficulties. Hence, MHP is the best energy sources for rural areas electrification. Due
to our unique land topography, were thousands of big rivers and small rivulets falling
from mountain to plan area, micro hydro project can easily lunch in low and
reasonable cost in needed area. Hence, it is the easy and chief way to provide
electricity in remote areas of Nepal. How MHP Help to Rural People?
MHP effects on villagers in multi-dimensional ways (light, sanitation, health,
communication) in project-affected areas. Most of the people use it for lighting
purpose, which makes their nightlife easier. Installation of NTC tower at village with
help of (electricity) from MHP, people get easy communication access. Children
reading habits and life style have changed. Because of the Kulo of MHP, people are
getting irrigation facility, which help to raise agriculture production. May small scale
industries like agro mill, sawmill makes people life style easier than before. People
attitudes and behavior have changed by using the electrical instruments
(radio/computer/TV) Electricity Consumption Units by Households
The electricity consumption units are seems different according to the purpose. The
households used electricity only for lighting/radio purpose consumed very low units
then TV/computer/cooking purpose. The minimum and maximum consumed units of
electricity by households are presented in table 1.0 below.

                                                            TABLE :-1
Electricity Consumption by Households
Unit Consumption
Mean Units
Minimum Units
Maximum Units
Unit Consumption
Minimum Units

The table 4.5 depicts that, the electricity consumption by household is min 15 to max
40 were average consumption is 25.5 units in the peak section. However, in offsection
household/business firm consumed min 10 to max 25 units were average 16.5
units. In general, total average consumption of electricity is mean average 12.5 units
to max average 32.5 units where as total average 42 units have been consumed by
households/business firm. The households who are only used electricity for lighting
purpose consumed monthly average 12.5 units only. Monthly Payment For Electricity Used
The management committee of MHP project makes the rules that payment byhouseholds up to 15 units is only Rs 60. The minimum charge of per month for each
household is Rs 60, which costs Rs 4 unit. The national grid costumers pay Rs 10 per
unit where the customers of MH get cheaper electricity in comparison to central grid

                                               Table 4.7
Monthly Payments for Electricity Uses
Monthly Payments
(per months)
Max. payments
Min. payments
Average Payments

Sources: Field Survey, 2013
The table 4.7 shows that, the households paid max Rs 60 to Rs 200 and min Rs 60 to
Rs 1800 where the average payment is Rs 226.50. The data shows that the households
who manly used MH for lighting purpose pay Rs 60 per month but who run the
firm/business used to pay min Rs 1800 to Rs 2000 where the average payment is Rs
1900. In additional, MH is the cheapest energy sources in comparison to the national
grid. Establishment of Industries Using MHP
Electricity is the basic perquisite of development. It is the foundation to generate any
socio economic activities. The life is very difficult as well as being back ward due to
able to use modern technology in the absence of power. After MHP, people lunched
various industries in this study area, which help to raise the income level of the people
as well as make the villagers way of living much easier. The firms that lunched using
MH in village is presented in the table 4.8 below.
Table 4.8
Establishment of Industries using MHP
No. of Industries/Firms
Poultry firm
Agro mill
Computer institute
Source: Field Survey, 2013
The table 4.8 depicts that, villagers installed 13 small-industries/firms where around
15 villagers have partially/fully job. The villager’s life becomes easier after install
rice mill and able to generate income from these firms. Farmer generates income
regularly after installed dairy by selling milk to dairy holder. The others business such
as stationary medical and food shop has been run which generate the income as well
as make the social life easy too Women’s Perception about the Increase in their Income Using MHP
Those respondents who have able to use the electricity properly, who have sufficient
knowledge and ways about electricity facilities, they have been able to increase
family income. Those women who have credit of loan when interested in MHP, they
reported that their family income has increased. Some of the respondents reported that
their income neither increased nor decreased. Out of 42 users respondents i.e. 25
(58.14%) households woman has partially increased by woman education, farming
vegetable, Ginger, mushroom etc, similarly users 42 respondents, only 4(9.3%)
households woman has in neutral situation. The percentage and the frequency of
women income generation using MHP is presented the figure 4.5 below.
Description: C:\Users\ASUS\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (6).pngSource: Field Survey, 2013
However, among them 13(30.95%) households woman have got significantly
increased their income level. Most of the users women get raised their income level
partially/fully by getting chance to involve on different economic activities then MHP
nonusers women. Condition of Employment Using MHP
Using the installation of the project, the employment opportunities in the village have
raised directly and indirectly. One operator and one electricity consumption charge
collector are employed in this project. By installing the industries, around 15 people
are directly involved in those firms. Others businesses run in the village were the
people are able to create fulltime or partial job. Agriculture Product Promotion due to MHP
In our country more than 80 percent, people are involved in agriculture. This study
area being the village, 100 percent people here adopt the agriculture but not fully
dependent on that. Around 70 percent people have been grabbing the facilities to raise
their product directly or in directly using MHP. The people perception about
agriculture product is presented in figure 4.6.

Source: Field Survey, 2013
Nevertheless, 30 % cannot take any facility to raise agriculture product. Among 70
percent, 40% household respondents fully used the facilities such as regular irrigation
and others facilities whereas 30 % used in partially. Thus, MHP help to raise the
agriculture products of many households. Possession of Various Electric Instruments by User and Non-user
Without MHP, the people in the study area use few electrical instruments like Radio,
Tape recorder using battery. In very limited houses, TV and computers run by using
solar light. By using MHP the possession of the electrical instruments has increased
significantly. People have now access different information and entraining facilities.
The table below shows that the situation uses of electrical instruments bynon-user group.

                                    Table 4.9
Possession of Various Electrical Instruments by User and Non-user Group
Sources: Field Survey, 2013
MHP non-users, 90% households possess radio/tape recorder. MHP user 100%
households possess radio/tape recorder. Here is no significant different in radio use
because radio can be run by using battery without electricity. Only 13.1 percent
households have TV who has solar light, but don’t use MHP. 95.09 percent
households have TV and computer use by MHP. Only 44 percent households have
mobile phone that has solar but not use MHP. But 95 percent use mobile phone by use
of MHP. MHP non-users 8.89use chargeable battery for lighting purpose and MHP
users 60% use chargeable battery for multi-purpose. Similarly 58.75 MHP users use
rice cooker, Iron, electric judge, heater etc but non-user nonuse. Household Opinion about the Change in their Income Using MHP
By the use of MHP, the firms/industries/shops etc. are installed in the village where
the many people are directly or indirectly involved in various working activities. It
certainly helps to raise their income level of the households. Of the total sample 87%
household have increased their income level by using MHP which is shown in the
figure 4.7

Source: Field Survey, 2013
However, 13% people cannot fill significant rise in the income level by using MHP.
They are unable to participate any productive work using MHP The Change in the Total Income of the Households
The income level of the villagers has increased by using MHP. People say that, the
general income of the households has risen. By using the MHP people installed the
small cottage industries, getting irrigation facilities, time saving to involvement in
agriculture help to raise their income. Without MHP minimum income of household
was 1 lakhs and the average income was 2.91 lakhs  

                                                           Table 4.10
The Change in the Total Income of the Household :
   Source: Field Survey, 2013
Using MHP, The min income become 1.20 lakhs to max 9.10 where the average 3.27
lakhs. The people who involved in business have got significant raise the income level
but who are only engaged in agriculture has little change in income. Households’ Main Sources of Energy Without MHP
Without MHP, kerosene lamps were widely used for lighting purpose during night,
which is known as ‘’Tuki’’, and firewood was used in every household to cook the
food. Bio-gas and solar were in very limited houses. Batteries were used for torchlight
and to run radio/tape recorders. The energy sources of households without MHP
presented in table 4.11.
                                                    Table 4.11
Households’ Main Sources of Energy Without MHP  
  Source: Field Survey, 2013
Here, 100% households used firewood and kerosene for coking and lighting purpose
respectively. Similarly, 100% respondents used battery for torchlight and radio
purpose. Only 7(16.67%) households had bio-gas and 9(21.43%) had solar plant
where 14(33.33%) households use others like candle tuki etc. Average Monthly Expenses of Household on these Sources of Energy
By using MHP, the expenditure on traditional energy sources had decreased
significantly. Most of the time in village, MH is available, there is no load shading
problem as in center grid so people had used electricity most of the time for their
tasks. Others sources of energy has been used only in the absence of MH, so that
expenditure on energy had reduced, which helps to make the economic condition of
household’s better, health improvement, reduces deforestation and environmental
pollution. The survey household’s average per month expenditure on traditional
energy sources of MHP users and non-users is presented in table 4.12 below.
Table 4.12
Average Monthly Expenses of Household on these Sources of Energy

Source: Field Survey, 2013
The table 4.12 depicts that, 42 had used firewood for cooking and heating purpose
where average monthly expenditure before MHP was Rs 1645.46 but now it reduced
where monthly expenditure average monthly expenditure without MHP was
Rs1645.46 but now introduced to Rs 1034.41. Similarly, in bio-gas, householders
expenses was Rs 464.00 without MHP but now it decrease to Rs 235.14 and solar
expenses is reduced from Rs204.34 to Rs 160.13. The batteries users are still 42
households but per month expenditure is reduced as well as most of the users used
chargeable batteries using electricity.
The kerosene user households are reduced from 42 to13 and average expenditure
reduces from Rs 147.11 to Rs 25.24. The reduction in kerosene use helps to make the
better economic status and health condition of households. However, the candle or
other energy sources users are raised from 14 to 21 households using MHP but the
average per months expenses on candle or others sources is reduced from Rs36.23 to
Rs 20.18ti is because these sources are only used in the absent of electricity. The total
average expenditure on these energy sources has reduced from Rs 2497.34 to Rs
1369.55 using NHP. Reduction of traditional energy sources help to make the health
condition of households members better and save the money too. Effect of Children Study Hours Using MHP
By the use of MHP, the study hours of children have raised. 97percent households are
agreed that the performance of the children has improved in the school then without
MHP. In the ruler sector, in the absence of electricity, the students (children) are
obliged to use kerosene lamp while studying in evening and nighttime. By this
situation schooling, aged generation is mostly affected. They cannot study for long
time due to the deficiency of enough kerosene and deem light.
                                             Table 4.13
Effects on Children Study Hours Using MHP
Of the total 42 sample, 18 (42.86%) households children raised their study time 2 to 3
hours, 10 (23.81%) households children raised 1 to 2 hours and 14 (33.33%)
household children raised up to 1 hour only. Hence most of the guardian of schooling
children found that their children have been studying at the night time using
electricity it can be said most of the student’s educational status is improved by using
MHP. Change in Children’s Daily Activities Using Electronic Instruments
The uses of electrical instruments have caused multiple changes on children’s
behaviors. Among all the children of the project affected areas got positive changes
and learn many things by watching TV or using computer expect some negative
outcomes such as watching TV for long time, play game in computer mobile etc. The
table 4.14 shows the important percentage on children activities on various aspects.
Table 4.14
Change on Children’s Daily Activities Using Electronic Instruments
Sources: Field Survey 2013
Of the total samples, 95.45% household’s children talking style have improved using
electrical instruments. Similarly, in dress up, in reading habits and dance has
improved 86.67, 84.44, 88.89 and 86.67 percent respectively. Improvement in following Diseases Use of MHP
To find out the impact of Nibukhola IV MHP on health outcomes, each respondents
of a household were asked, where they had felt improvement in respiratory disease
and eye inflection after the lunched of this project. A list of the diseases along with
the percentage of individual perception about these diseases has been presented in the table 
Table 4.15
Condition of Following Disease by the Use of MHP 
Source: Field Survey, 2013
Eye infection and asthma diseases have been significantly minimized after the
lunched of MHP in the study area. Out of 42 respondents, 39(92.85%) got
improvement in asthma and eye inflection. Due to the use of modern electronic
instruments, people learned many things by watching/hearing different program on
TV/Radio and changed their concepts about health and sanitation. Similarly, in
headache, heart disease, and bronchitis diseases have been improved by 34(80.94%),
22(52.38%), 11(26.2%) respectively. By minimizing in the used traditional energy
source and learning from the use by modern technology, the people health condition
gets improved than without MHP. Improvement on Household Member’s Daily Activities Using Electronic
Instruments Using MHP Operation
In village area, people use two types of electronic instruments (EI) one is radio/tape
recorder another is television. From Radio, we can only hear but from TV we can hear
as well as see the things happened in national and international level. Learning by
seeing is faster and easy than by only hearing. Using MHP most of the household
were unable to watch TV but now almost all the hours have TV. The lifestyle of the
villagers has changed. We asked the respondents in the different ways to know about
what is the impact of electrical instruments in the lifestyle and this has presented in
the table below.
                                                       Table 4.16
Improvement on Household Member’s Daily Activities Using Electronic
Source: Field Survey, 2013
Of the total sample , due to use of electrical instruments 95.56 percent household
people said that they have feel the change in the trend of fashion/dress up but 4.44
people could not feel such. Listing news on TV/radio was 91.12 percent whereas
watching/listing Musial program on TV/radio was 97.20 percent. 91.11 percent
respondents said EI changed their behavior and 77.78 percent people said that they
found change in their thinking/talking style. Hence, electrical instrument helps to
change the lifestyle of the households’ members.
4.3.2 Sustainable Development in the Study Area and Sustainability of MHP Per Week Hour Spend By Households to Collected Firewood User and
Non-User of MHP
Every household’s has used less quantity of firewood by using MHP, so that the time
for collection firewood reduced significantly than non users. Without MHP people
used to stay in front of the firewood woven and kill the time involving them in
gossiping the night. Now, people watch TV instead to staying before firewood woven
for long time. Some houses uses rice cooker. Firewood collection time reduced quite
significantly, which has shown in table below.

Table 4.17
Per Week Hours Spent to Collect Firewood User and Non- User of MHP
Source: Field Survey, 2013
Households in the project affected area spent 4 to 10 hours to collect the firewood per
week but now they spent 3 to 8 hours only. This is the positive symptoms of
electricity in conservation of natural resources and environment. Situation of Local Forest Resources Using MHP Operation
Of the total respondents, 100 percent respondent got forest condition is improved than
non-use of MHP. The infrastructure development may affects in natural resources like
forest, due to the less consumed of firewood, used of LP gas, Electrical instruments
for cook as well as the community forest programs helps to safe the forest. Due to
people, consciousness and trend to take domestic animal in less numbers than without
use of MHP are reasonable to improve the forest. This is the positive symptoms of
electricity in conservation of natural and environment. Lighting Sources of Households in the Project Affected Area
Using MHP, the main sources of the lighting have been electricity of the villagers
whereas the consumption pattern of others traditional sources of energy have been
changed using MHP. By reducing the consumption of traditional sources of energy
make the environmental conditional better as well as help to make the well social life. 

                                                    Table 4.18
Lighting Sources of Households in the Project Affected Area

Source: Field Survey, 2013
Of the total Sample households, electricity is used minimum 6 hours to maximum 14
hours on the average 8.94 per households. Without MHP project every household
used kerosene, among them all most household was main sources for lighting but now
it consumed only 13 hours kerosene and 9 hours use candle on the average 1/3 hours
per day and 44 houses used chargeable batteries/light on the average 1 hour per day.
From this, we can conclude that in the absence electricity occasionally these sources
are used for energy. Similarly, Bio-gas is used by 7 households 1 to 4 hours and solar
is used by 9 households 1to 8 hours per day. Hence, MH is the most used energy
sources whereas others are used only in the absence of electricity. Sanitation Status Using MHP
People must be careful about indoor sanitation. In the negligence of sanitation there
may happen different kinds of problems. Human health has been risky without
sanitation. It is hoped that the people would be able to get awareness and sensitive
about sanitation using modern electrical instruments. During the survey time of the
project, the aid organization has lunched the awareness program about sanitation in
the village and every household had compulsion to built toilet before the completion
of the project. Angsarang VDC also declared as the ‘Khula Dasa Muktha VDC. By
using the electrical instruments like TV/radio/computer, the conceits of the people
have changed and they begun to care indoor and outdoor sanitation. In the negligence
of sanitation there may happen different kinds of problems. Using this MHP, 100%
respondents said that the village become neat and clean than without MHP. Effects of MHP Operation in Health Condition of Family
Smoke from firewood and kerosene had made the health condition of the people poor
in village. Staying in front of firewood for long time caused the housekeepers health
worse and children health also damaged by kerosene used as a means of light to read.
Indoor air pollution could lead to serious health problems such as respiratory diseases
and eye infection. Having micro hydro electricity at home reduces indoor air pollution
by decreasing the use of kerosene and firewood, which lessen the risk of respiratory
problems and eye infection. By using electrical instruments, people have been
listening/watching about health tips and educational program, which help to change
their health condition, and they tend to use fresh and healthy things. The expenditure
on treatment has reduced and the saving amount cans use in others productive
purpose. Thus, MHP has impact on multidimensional way; it helps to uplift the living
standard in village. Communication Condition of this Area Using MHP
This is the era of science and technology so the internet, communication are the basic
need of the people. Most of the people of this study area introduced with mobile
phone and youth are familiar with internet in mobile. The communication of this area
is significantly improved then without MHP. Nepal Telecom (NT) built network
connection tower in the top of the village which makes the entire villages
communication will be still in poor condition because 10 KW electricity power is
need to run this tower, now this insufficiency was fulfilled by the installation of this
MHP. Regularity in Electricity Supply
MHP played the vital rural for rural electrification in the villagers of Nepal. Due to
the technical problems like unable to work by machine, landslide on ‘kulo’, supplying
pole cracked due to air or being old etc. has been seen occasionally restriction on
supply on power, otherwise MHP is regular in electricity supply. The average
regularity in electricity supply is 76% per month by MHP.
Source: Field Survey, 2013
     However 24% respondents said that there is irregularity in electricity Advantage of the MHP in Locality
MHP played the vital role to uplift the human drudgery in the village. Using this
project, people are able to live in light in night, which made the nightlife easier?
Without MHP, people compiled to use Wokhal, Jato, Ghatta to grain, this consumed
more time of villagers as well as make villagers’ life complicate. Now, by lunching
the agro mill villagers’ life complicate. Now, by lunching the dairy, stationary,
medical and others business help to generate economic activities and improve the
economic condition of the villagers. MHP helps to raise the social condition,
improvement in the health, increased in reading habits of children of the villagers.
Children education and others activities are improving. Change Seen in Village Using MHP
Electricity is foundation for any kind of development activities. MHP helps to change
the holistic scenario of the village it plays vital role to make the infrastructure in
village. The sanitation condition of the village is change where every house have
made toilet. Villagers announced ‘Khula Disha Mukta Chhetri’, which help to
improve their health. Using this project there can be seen sustainable changes such as
built Nepal Telecommunication Tower, which make the communication better. Others
industries such as milling, dairy, etc. make the villagers life very easy and other
business are run in village which improved the economics status of the villagers. Household’s Feeling/concept with the way of MHP Working
Feelings or concept refers the any kinds of response towards the things. People have
either satisfaction toward electricity.
What they have been feeling using MHP established. It is attempted to find out what
is the feeling of people toward electricity in the study area. The households who only
used MHP for lighting purpose has got satisfaction but the households who run the
industries has not fully satisfied with it. Because, the insufficient of power supply
people are unable to installed new firm in the village. Households are unable to use
rice cooker, refrigerator legally, which make the people life uneasy.
Hence, electricity facility closely related to human life. Electricity made the human
life easier and comfortable. In rural areas, electricity is a strange thing. So must of the
respondents satisfied by the electricity. MHP remove the load-shedding problem of
the villagers unlike centre grid. Willingness to Pay for Sustainability of the Project by Households
Invention of anything is not only better itself, but also repairing and maintenance
should be necessary. There is no worth of construction in the absence of
sustainability. Of the total sample, 100 percent households are ready to pay more
amounts then the prevailing rate for well maintenance of machine and project
Table 4.19
Households Willingness to Pay per Unit for Sustainability Related Factors Responsibility about Sustainability of the Project
To sum up, it is known that repairing and maintenance is necessary for every
nonliving things. Therefore, MHP must need repair and maintenance that makes
things sustainable. The government or related donors agencies not only provide aid
but they must supervise the project condition weather the project is in well condition
or not. They must regularly enquiry to the users as well as households also have to
inform to them continuously about the condition of the project.
There is necessary of operation and maintenance/repairing schedule in power house to
make it sustain. User concise and community participation is compulsory to sustain
the project. During the research time, all the respondents become ready to do any
things for the betterment of project if than need. Women participation on project
crucial because ‘’ Men and Women are two wheels of a chariot’’ so, equal
opportunity and participation is necessary in maintenance and use of electricity.
Management committee must be responsible to run the project well. Responsibility is
also known as accountability. Someone must have to accountable when he/she got
certain response. Most of the respondents said, management committee should take
responsibility of the project and they should lunch the awareness program in
community as well as maintains the project in time.
This study is focused on studying the socio-economic impact of Nibukhola IV hydro
project. It is based on the primary data collected through the field survey. It is
expected that the results from this study will provide valuable information on the
policy makers or utilize the resources in the most positive sector for energy
generation. The main objectives of the study are to examine the socio-economic
impact of Nibukhola IV MHP on income and employment generation in Angsarang
V.D.C.; panchthar District to explore the problems associated with the MHP and
suggested solution for its sustainable development, and to examine socio-economic
impacts of hydro power project in ruler areas. This chapter is the concluding chapter
of the present study. The first part summarizes the finding from the study, the second
part draws some conclusions, and third part lists some recommendation that can be
from the conclusion of the study.
5.1 Summary
Hydro power is a nonpolluting, environmentally friendly, renewable, locally available
and reliable source of energy. To meet the national energy objectives, small-scale
hydropower plants are effective for the electrification of remote areas. Traditional
sources of energy are not sufficient to meet the energy demand. The use of fuel is also
costly and it negatively pressurizes on the balance of payment in the economic. Over
pressure on forest creates various problems.
Electricity is the basic prerequisite of development. Energy the prime movers in the
process of the economic development and its per capita consumption has been
regarded some times as one of the indices of economic development. Energy
consuming pattern is also regarded as one of the important indicators of measuring
development status of the village. In the Nepalese context, micro hydropower seems
as an important energy source, especially in the project affected area.
Micro hydropower has been able to bring about profound socio-economic changes.
The implication of MH for ruler development is an introduction of a modern
technology in ruler context. These prepare ruler community for undertaking rural
industrial activities, nurturing of entrepreneurship in ruler areas and pretention of
entrepreneurs in ruler areas. This study reflects the overview of Nepalese rural
energies sources status and discusses various energy issues through a case study of
Nibukhola IV MHP, Angsarang Panchthar. The study has discussed various merits of
MHP system; it not only provides energy for lighting but also helps in improving
health condition, saves time, makes easy to work at night is more efficient income
generation as well as productive work.
This is the descriptive study designed on find out the socio-economic impact of
Nibukhola IV MHP project of Angsarang VDC, panchthar. This study has been
conducted from the direct interview method with 42 respondents. Those respondents
were selected by simple random sampling. The major finding of the study area
pointed as follows:
The main cast in the studios area is janajati and chhetri (78.58%) Dalit and Brahmin
are 90.48% people practice Hindu religion. Foreign employment is the main income
sources of village. The main sources of energy without MHP were firewood for
cooking and kerosene for lighting for almost all the households in this area. Now
MHP being the source of energy in the village, it reduce the over expenditure on
traditional energy sources. MHP users 100% respondents are agreed that MHP helps
to improve the health condition of the people and it minim seethe respiratory disease
and eye infection. By the use of MHP people installed industries such as rice mill
,saw mill, computer institute, poultry firms etc and create the employment
opportunities whereas 93% households has raised their income. Agro mill make the
especially women life easy and the living stander of the respondent has changed by
using MHP. Agriculture production has increased by irrigation, others facilities like
rice mill and furniture also raise the villagers income level. Position of various
electricity instruments has increased by using MHP, which make the villagers life
easy and help to change the life of people.The study habit of children has been
increased and children’s performance in the school has improved in holistic ways.
The situation of local forest condition has improved. The sanitation status of the
village improved using this MHP. Most of the households are ready to pay more
amounts to maintain the project and make it sustainable.
5.2 Conclusion
MHP may be most useful in rural and remote areas of our country. There is sufficient
of such type of MHP. The conclusion of the study area as follows:
MHP has positive impacts on income and employment. It helps to rise in income and
employment by helping in the establishment of new businesses. MHP reduces the
expenditure on different energy source of energy in the rural area. By the use of MHP,
the health condition also gets improved. People who don’t have MHP use maximum
firewood as light or lamp and cooking but those people who have MHP has reduced
which has helped to conserve forest. Electricity is closely related with human life
therefore all respondents who have use of MHP have been changed their living
standard. The status of sanitation has improved by the use of MHP. By the use of
MHP studying hours of students have been improved then non-users. MHP users have
improved their education status. MHP reduces the expenditure on different energy
sources like: firewood, kerosene, biogas etc. So it can be a less expensive source of
energy in the rural area. To repair, maintains and operation for the MHP management
committee is fully responsible.
5.3 Recommendations
The following recommendation can be made by considering the findings and
conclusions of this present study.
The electricity power generation should be increased by further investment as demand
is high then supply. Lack of timely maintains is another problem technically. So, the
technicians should be provided by Government to maintenance MHPs. The
sustainability of MHP is another issue. The dam constructed is located at the weak
area as well as ‘Kulo’ is built on sloppy area. So there is fear of landside. The dam
and ‘Kulo’ should be repaired for more securely. House should use electricity for
more productive activities. Small industries need to be established in the village. So
that the MHP’s revenue can be increased and further investment can be made. Nonusers
group should be promoted to use of MHP. Government needs to formulate
appropriate policy and should allocate resources for MHP to maintenance and repair.


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